Is your New Year’s resolution to learn Mandarin, but don’t know where to start? Are you afraid to commit to the challenge of learning Chinese? Learning a new language can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be difficult. Anyone who has tried to learn Mandarin Chinese knows it’s a complicated language to master. Unfortunately, many people give up on their language-learning journey long before they achieve fluency. Stick to your goal and learn Chinese with The Mandarin Show! The app solves some of the biggest reasons people quit learning a new language. 


1) Lack of Motivation 

Learning a new language requires dedication, patience, and constant practice. When the initial excitement of starting a new language wears off, the daunting reality of the task may set in, leading many to quit. With its complex characters and tonal system, Mandarin usually requires plenty of memorization and practice. For some, this can feel overwhelming and damage their motivation to continue learning.

The Mandarin Show’s innovative app injects fun into learning Mandarin. No memorization is required when you use The Mandarin Show! It employs humorous and bite-sized videos that blend English words with their Chinese counterparts, leveraging the power of pneumonic learning. This entertaining approach keeps learners engaged and motivated, making learning Mandarin enjoyable.

Overcoming the hurdle of motivation and evading the potential for quitting while learning a new language requires a well-structured plan combined with tenacity. Start by setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) that provide clear objectives and a timeframe for your learning process. Engage with the language in various contexts, like listening to Chinese songs or watching movies while using The Mandarin Show. Regular practice is vital, even if only a few minutes a day. Fluency comes with time and consistency, so don’t rush the process and celebrate small victories.



2) It’s Too Hard 

Mandarin Chinese has a reputation for being one of the most difficult languages to learn. The writing system is complex, with over 50,000 characters to choose from. Pronunciation is also challenging, with the four tones confusing for many learners. When faced with the difficulty of the language, beginners may become discouraged and give up before they see progress.

Is "TIE" too much? An image of a man shrugging with a clown tie.

By learning using words you already know, it’s easy to get started. The Mandarin Show’s bite-sized lessons ensure that you don’t get overwhelmed. The familiarity of starting with English words you already know makes the language feel less foreign and easier to tackle. 

Combatting the feeling of overwhelming difficulty when learning a new language like Mandarin can be achieved by adopting a positive mindset and implementing effective learning strategies. Firstly, understand that all learners face challenges, and it’s normal to feel it’s too hard sometimes. However, it’s essential to persevere and not give up. When learning becomes challenging, break down your tasks into smaller, more manageable parts and tackle them one at a time. Remember the primary reason you started learning Mandarin in the first place – and let that drive you.


3) Time Constraints 

Many people cite a lack of time as a major barrier to learning Mandarin. Learning Mandarin Chinese is a long-term commitment that requires consistent practice over time. With busy lives and numerous other responsibilities to balance, many people need help finding sufficient time to dedicate to learning and practicing the language regularly. This lack of time can lead to slow progress and frustration, causing many to abandon their Chinese learning journey.  

However, The Mandarin Show is designed with this challenge in mind. The app offers short, digestible videos that can be watched in transit, during a lunch break, or whenever you have a few spare minutes. This makes it possible to consistently learn and practice Chinese, even with a busy schedule.



4) Fear of Failure

The fear of making mistakes or being unable to master the language can be a significant barrier to learning Mandarin. The complexity of the language only amplifies this fear, leading many to quit rather than face potential failure. This fear often stems from high expectations set on ourselves, and the perfect antidote is to embrace mistakes as part of the learning journey. Recognize that every error made is a valuable learning opportunity, providing insights into areas that need further practice.

But The Mandarin Show embraces a fail-forward philosophy, encouraging users to learn from their mistakes rather than fear them. The app’s engaging, non-judgmental environment boosts confidence, allowing learners to progress at their own pace without fear of judgment or failure.


Another effective strategy is to adopt a growth mindset. Instead of viewing your abilities as fixed, understand that they can be developed and improved with effort and time. This perspective shift can foster a positive attitude towards learning and reduce fear of failure. It’s also helpful to redefine success; instead of focusing solely on fluency as the end goal, celebrate the minor milestones achieved along the way. This could be mastering a new word, using a phrase correctly, or understanding a piece of Mandarin text. 

Lastly, practicing mindfulness can help. By staying present and focused, you can alleviate worries about future failures and fully engage with the learning process. Remember, the journey to Mandarin proficiency is not a race but a marathon meant to be paced and enjoyed.


Stick To Your Goal

Quitting Mandarin Chinese before achieving fluency can be incredibly disappointing, especially if you give up due to one of the common reasons mentioned above. But with The Mandarin Show, learning Chinese becomes a fun and engaging experience, eliminating some of the most significant barriers to success. With its entertaining approach, bite-sized lessons, and fail-forward philosophy, The Mandarin Show can help you overcome any hurdle and achieve your goal of learning Mandarin Chinese. So don’t give up on your language-learning journey; try The Mandarin Show today and experience the joy of learning Chinese!