What’s the EASIEST language to learn?

2019-08-27T12:14:19-04:00August 15th, 2019|News|

Question:  Of the following three languages, which is the easiest to learn: Jamaican, French or Mandarin Chinese? Most people would say Jamaican.  With good reason.   It’s in your native tongue: ENGLISH!  You already know all the words!  You just have to get past the accent and some minor alterations in word usage, like: “Dat mahn [...]

Boston and Beijing: The Secret Language Connection

2019-08-27T12:14:45-04:00July 10th, 2019|News|

If you grew up in the Boston area, you know that a “BAH” is just a place you go to have a few drinks.   And a “CAH” is how you get to the “BAH.”  That is, if it’s too “FAH” to walk there. By some strange coincidence, these Boston-accented pronunciations of English words also mimic [...]

Chinese: The Hidden Language of Shakespeare

2019-08-27T12:15:06-04:00June 3rd, 2019|News|

Throughout history, the works of William Shakespeare have been the subject of many “hidden code” conspiracy theories. But never before has The Bard been accused of hiding an entire foreign language in his writing.  Until now. Ask anyone to recite some of their long forgotten high school Shakespeare and the most oft-quoted line is “woe [...]

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