Welcome back, dear language enthusiasts. On this week’s episode of “The Mandarin Show,” we dive into a timely question: how long does it take to learn Mandarin? Well, this is an easy one. The answer is as long as it takes.
We’re not kidding. Because the answer to how long it takes to learn Mandarin depends on a number of factors. It depends on your resources, the environment in which you’re learning, and the reason behind your desire. And, at The Mandarin Show, we recommend considering one more critical factor: “How much fun are you having while learning?”
Have no fear, “The Mandarin Show” is here to help you have lots of fun on your Mandarin journey by helping you to enjoy learning Mandarin more than any other app! Now buckle up as we try to answer a question that has no real answer.
How are You Learning?
The Traditional Way
When it comes to learning Mandarin, the traditional route involves memorizing thousands of characters, practicing tones, and repeating phrases until they stick. This is a long and tedious process that requires a lot of discipline and patience. While some people may prefer this method, there is no denying that it can take years to become fluent in the language. Time ranges, but on average, fluency can take anywhere between 4-7 years. But wait, don’t lose heart.
This requirement of time isn’t the true answer for everyone. It varies, seriously. Are you moving to Shanghai? If so, it might take you less time. Are you learning just to speak Mandarin? That will obviously take less time than also learning how to read and write its characters. So, the answer is as individual as you are and your purpose. However, when learning a new language, do you know what the most important thing is? Just starting.
We all need to start somewhere. If you’re beginning a 4-year journey to Mandarin mastery, we salute you, and we are here for you as a starting point. We suggest that you begin in a place that is going to build you up. “The Mandarin Show” can help you start growing your words, phrases, and conversations with an entirely new (and fun) way to learn Mandarin Chinese.
A New and Entertaining Way
“The Mandarin Show” is a completely new way to learn Mandarin that actually entertains you during the entire length of your Mandarin journey. This new language-learning method shakes up the old standard of repetition-based learning and flips it from “head or toe.” (Note: “toe” is how you say “head” in Mandarin).
The Mandarin Show means learning Mandarin without memorization. Consider the example just mentioned above for the Mandarin Chinese word for “head” which is spelled as “tou” in the Mandarin system. “Tou” sounds just like the English word “toe.” So The Mandarin Show takes a phrase that you already know (“head-to-toe”) and transforms it into an entertainment experience with comedians hanging upside down from “head-to-toe” to create a memorable mnemonic experience that makes it hard to forget that “toe” is how you say “head” in Mandarin. Now multiply that by more than 1,500 words, and you can see what’s in our head (or “tou”)!
At The Mandarin Show, we refer to this new synthesis of mnemonics, learning, and entertainment as “mnemonic entertainment.” This engaging new teaching method is a way to initiate you into the language for a solid foundation, so you will stay learning longer, and you actually want to continue to reach mastery.
The Results
With “The Mandarin Show,” you will be surprised at how quickly you can start formulating sentences and having basic conversations. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, you’ll find yourself becoming more and more confident in your ability to understand and speak Mandarin. In no time, you’ll be ordering food, or making a reservation, at your favorite Chinese restaurant, haggling with local vendors, and impressing your Mandarin-speaking friends with your newfound language skills.
We know, we know. In “no time” is not a real answer to your question, “how long does it take to learn Mandarin?” We mean that by building a solid foundation of 1,500 Mandarin words in the span of 500 episodes, you will build up a great base for basic Mandarin conversation. And it will feel like no time because as you learn, you are actually just watching a fun TV show. And “no time” is defined by the amount of time it takes you to watch every episode. An average episode on “The Mandarin Show” takes from 5 to 10 minutes!
The Benefits of Learning Mandarin
Aside from being an impressive language to learn, Mandarin has many practical applications in today’s world. For example, if you’re interested in pursuing business ventures in China, knowing the language is a huge asset. Especially if you’re moving to China – it would be helpful to know the language in which you live. Having even a little Mandarin knowledge will open doors to many new experiences in China.
Additionally, Mandarin is the second most popular language to learn in the world – about 1.2 billion people speak Mandarin! This ancient language has been around since 1250 B.C, that’s about 3,300 years old. So, learning Mandarin is much more than just learning to speak it. It’s also about experiencing its culture and history. Mandarin Chinese is a very rich language with so much to offer.
The Catch
So, what’s the catch? How long does it truly take to learn Mandarin? Well, that depends on how much effort you’re willing to put into it. While we think that “The Mandarin Show” is the most fun and engaging way to learn Mandarin out there, it still requires that you actually watch the show to learn Mandarin Chinese. If you were to watch one episode per day for five days each week that would take about two years. But because most people watch a few episodes at a time, you can easily complete the entire series within a year.
The good news is, you won’t need to stress over character memorization or focus solely on repetitive exercises. Instead, with “The Mandarin Show,” you will develop an ear for the language, and you will learn how to string 1,500 words together. We believe this is an excellent starting point to set you on your road to Mandarin mastery.
The Mandarin Show Will Be Your Favorite Resource
Language lovers, don’t expect to become fluent overnight. We know the truth may sound hard, but Mandarin is truly a “foreign” language when compared to English. It’s going to take time and effort to really master it. Of course, everyone has their own learning style and pace, so your journey may be different. But the key is to stick with it and not get discouraged. Mandarin may seem intimidating, but with the right approach and resources, you can absolutely learn it. And with “The Mandarin Show,” you might even have fun while learning.
Download the app and start your journey towards Mandarin mastery with “The Mandarin Show.”