Reasons to Learn Mandarin

“The Mandarin Show” is the only language learning system in the world that teaches Mandarin through the process known as “mnemonic entertainment.”  If you thought that learning a new language like Mandarin was as dull as watching paint dry or as impossible as learning how to fly, think again.  Because “The Mandarin Show” proves that learning a complicated language like Mandarin Chinese is now both possible and enjoyable. 

You might be seeking reasons to learn Mandarin.  Mandarin Chinese is known for its intricate characters and tonal challenges so while it might be a difficult language to learn, it certainly is not a waste of time. In fact, there are many reasons to learn Mandarin. And as you will see, you’re in for a fun and educational Mandarin-learning journey because it is an exquisite language with a rich history. 

Plus, “The Mandarin Show” has finally made learning Mandarin fun and easy!

Learning Mandarin Can Be Hard…But It Used To Be Even Harder.

Some English speakers are surprised to learn that Mandarin is a tonal language and might find it quite tricky to grasp, while French and Spanish speakers might struggle with the lack of grammatical gender in Mandarin.

And while the Mandarin language uses thousands of Chinese characters, in the 1950’s China created a new system to simplify things by converting the sound of each Chinese character into something we all recognize: the same alphabet we use in English. As an example, there are three original Chinese characters that are converted to read as “Tian-An-Men” or “Heaven-Peace-Gate” which you may know as the most famous public square in Beijing. This conversion system, known as “pin yin” is the same one taught to every grammar school student in China today to help them sound-out the original Chinese characters. In the Mandarin Show and in every system for Mandarin Chinese, you will learn through the same “pin-yin” system. 

Putting Things In Order

Mandarin has a strict word order (subject-verb-object) and a complex system of particles, which can take some getting used to for people who are used to more flexible sentence structures. 

While some aspects of Mandarin grammar might be easier for speakers of certain languages (for example, Mandarin has no articles, which might be welcome news for German speakers) overall, it’s a very different linguistic landscape from most other languages.

So Why Mandarin?

Reasons to Learn Mandarin

While we have established that Mandarin is a complex language, and that fortunately, The Mandarin Show has made it easier to learn, the real question still remains: Why Mandarin? Literally, there are many reasons why you would want to learn this ancient language. So take your pick:

1. A Language of Past and Future

Mandarin is the second most spoken language in the world, with over a billion speakers. It’s the official language of China, Singapore, and Taiwan, and it’s rapidly becoming a significant language in the global economy.

With the world becoming smaller, knowing Mandarin can open doors to business, opportunities, and networking. Companies are always looking for individuals who can speak Mandarin, especially those who plan to establish themselves in China, making Mandarin a game-changer in your career.  Learning Mandarin can open doors to achieving personal and professional success, as it’s an essential language in the global market. Truly, you never know when it will come in handy and who you will impress if you learn Mandarin.

If you have never studied Mandarin, or if you have some background and feel a bit rusty, “The Mandarin Show” is the perfect companion on your trailblazing Mandarin-learning journey.

2. A Cultural Experience

Mandarin is more than a language and is part of a culture. It’s an ancient language widely spoken in China and the Chinese diaspora. Learning Mandarin will give you a better understanding of Chinese customs, traditions, and beliefs. You’ll be able to appreciate the culture on a deeper level, from its calligraphy and cuisine to its music and history. 

If you have been trying to learn more about China and its official language but you don’t know where to start, then “The Mandarin Show” is the perfect application for you. As your guide, the 500 episodes of “The Mandarin Show” incorporate exciting facts and anecdotes about China, food, and culture – while “performing” the mental links between each Mandarin and English word. 

Example: In Episode #109, you will be introduced to a common Chinese appetizer known as “cold lung.”  You’ll laugh as host Andy Peake struggles to swallow this unique dish made of chilled pig lungs, but the real treat will be the unforgettable memory that the word for “cold” in Mandarin sounds like (you guessed it) “lung.”  M-mmm!  “Cold lung!”  

3. A Mental Challenge That Uses Mental Links

Learning Mandarin is a form of mental stimulation that can improve your cognitive abilities. And it will enhance your memory, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities. But usually, that mental challenge is dominated by endless memorization with conventional learning systems. The Mandarin Show lets you jump ahead and concentrate on other issues, like your tonal acuity, phrasing, pronunciation, etc.  

Do you have issues listening? Mandarin can help you to improve your listening skills. Since Mandarin is a tonal language, words can have different meanings depending on the tone used. Navigating the tonal complexities can help to improve your listening skills. This can benefit you in a number of ways. If you are in a relationship of some sort, your partner or friend will be thrilled by your new learning pursuit and its effect on you. Also, as you become a better listener, your communication skills can also improve. 

“The Mandarin Show” creates both visual and auditory connections between English and Mandarin, so as you watch each episode, you’ll be able to adapt more easily and catch those subtle tonal changes.

4. A Social Connection?  I love it!

Mandarin is not only a language that can stimulate business success and cultural excitement but also friendship. It can help you make new friends and connect with people from different cultural backgrounds. It’s a great conversation starter, and it shows that you’re willing to make an effort to understand a person’s culture– this is especially significant if you work with a lot of Mandarin speakers or if you have started a relationship with one. With “The Mandarin Show,” you’ll have a fun and easy way to access the language through an entertainment process that lets you start connecting with people from the very first set of episodes, whose title says it all:  “The Love Game.”

Example: Would you like to be able to say: “I really LOVE Chinese food! Or “I LOVE to travel in China! Or even, “I LOVE you!” in Mandarin Chinese? That’s easy, because you just did it: the word for “love” in Mandarin sounds just like the word “I” in English. Just remember “I-love this” and “I-love that” and then you’ve got it!  So easy. I/love it!

5. A Fun and Memorable Learning Experience

Reasons to Learn Mandarin

“The Mandarin Show” gives you another reason to learn Mandarin. Our show is not your typical language learning program. It’s an entertainment system based on mnemonic links between English and Mandarin that uses music, humor, and visual aids to make learning Mandarin fun, effortless, and memorable. You’ll laugh while building up your 1,500-word Mandarin vocabulary! 

Start Your Mandarin Journey Today

This is not a comprehensive list by any means when it comes down to reasons to learn Mandarin. The reasons are wide-ranging and abundant! Ultimately, this ancient language offers many benefits beyond acquiring a new skill; it’s about unlocking a world of cultural riches. It’s unfortunate that there are so many language-learning apps and books out there that can immediately create an impression that Mandarin is impossible to learn. However, “The Mandarin Show” reverses this trend. Don’t miss out on all the possibilities learning Mandarin can present to you. And most importantly, do not miss out on all the fun that you can experience with “The Mandarin Show.” So don’t wait any longer. Download the app now and get started on your Mandarin-learning language journey!